Else(Where by Mminor


, by side project Mminor, is a free release on Stasisfield
, 14 December 2014.

“When artist Philip von Zweck decided to shutter his Something Else program, a Chicago radio institution for fifteen years, Stasisfield launched an ongoing remix project of the show’s theme tune, inviting anyone who ever appeared on the show to create a remix. Glenn Bach, under his Mminor moniker, has decided to take this a step further; he’s produced an entire album that uses the theme as its source material. In Mminor’s hands the theme is stretched, erased, imploded, carbonated, shredded, and dithered within an inch of its life, its original ninety three seconds sprinkled across more than thirty elegiac minutes – ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

–John Kannenberg