New Sounds for the Brothers Quay

photo by Alexa Pok
photo by Alexa Pok

Live, improvised soundtracks to films by the Brothers Quay, with Glenn Bach, Jessica Catron, Jeremy Drake, Shea Gauer, Scott Peterson, Jorge Martin, Joe Negro, Michael Raco-Rands, and Marco Schindelmann, Thursday, October 19, 2006, 8PM, {open}, 144 Linden Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 499-OPEN.

Intense Situations of Peril


ISOP perform Standard Peril, October 7, 2006 at Soundwalk 2006, The Dome Room, 528 E. Broadway (at Linden), Long Beach (ISOP participants include Glenn Bach, Helga Fassonaki, Marcos Fernandes, Shea M. Gauer, John Kannenberg, Scott A. Peterson, Jorge Martin, Joe Negro, Noah Thomas, and others TBA).