Radia: Review on Vital Weekly


“This solo release uses guitar feedback and field recordings captured in various state parks in California and Wisconsin. This is quiet music, sometimes almost below the threshold of hearing, but it sounds great. Lowercase is a term we don’t hear that much anymore, but it certainly applies to this music. Whatever field recordings he has captured (at some instances I recognized the sound of water and birds), or whatever processes he applied to them, they sound like blurry static pieces of hiss like sounds, in which he places his sparse guitar sounds. There is a lot of space in the music – not in a cosmic sense of the word, but in the sparseness of the sounds used to create this music. This is not the kind of music you put on for ‘fun’, or as ‘background’. This music requires active listening and without such concentrated effort it rather fails to impress the listener. It might be over before you know something had started. That is, I think, a great quality.”

— Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly #821, 28 February 2011.